Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Dealing with Disaster

"There's no disaster that can't become a blessing, and no blessing that can't become a disaster." - Richard Bach

This week I've watched in horror and dismay, along with the rest of the world, at the events in Haiti. My parents are both from Haiti, each with cousins still living in the country. Searching for our relatives with computers and phone lines unavailable, watching the destruction of homes, businesses, and treasured national buildings, and hearing the news that cousins were missing and unaccounted for were very challenging and stressful to say the least.

Since this blog is about finding peace and equilibrium, I thought I would share some of my tips on dealing with life's most trying moments.

Do something: When faced with tragedy of this magnitude, some choose to ignore it. What's more amazing is that so many act to help. In amazing numbers people from all over the world, many with no connection at all to Haiti, opened up their hearts and wallets to give. Others hopped in airplanes or started gathering supplies. This generosity of purse and spirit has not been unique to this situation... people have showed the enormity of the human spirit in response to Katrina, 9/11, the tsunami in Asia, etc. When faced with tragedy and human suffering, most people want to help however they can. And this giving feels good, makes you feel as if you have some control over your world, and helps you to regain your sense of equilibrium and peace.

Turn off the news: I felt a bit guilty when I turned off CNN and decided to stop watching news of the disaster, but I know that it is one of the healthiest things to do. Staring at the pictures of destruction and suffering does not help anyone. It's paralyzing and it keeps attention focused on how bad things are. The news cameras focus on the worst of the worst (it makes for better television). It is not necessarily (and more often is not) an accurate portrayal of the situation on the ground.

I know personally that whenever there are fires or mudslides in Los Angeles, I get frantic phone calls from friends and family around the country and the world asking if I'm ok. Based on the news coverage, they all imagine that I have flames lapping at my heels and I and all my fellow Angelenos are all running in terror from the flames. While a small percentage of the city does deal with these issues, the vast majority of us are fine and going about our lives as if nothing were happening.

Instead of watching the news, turn your thoughts to positive intentions or prayers for the betterment of Haiti and its citizens. Visualize the country rebuilt stronger and sturdier than ever. Envision the outpouring of good will and money working to revive the country and its economy. See tourists returning to the country's shores -- enjoying the beautifully restored cities, reforested mountains, and pristine Caribbean beaches. See the government and all its institutions working ethically and well. Imagine a country of peace and prosperity, built on a foundation of love and support from the rest of the world. There, isn't that better to think of than that parade of horrors you see on the news shows?

Meditate: Meditation helps quiet your mind and tune you into the peace that surpasses all understanding. In meditation you can tune in to that still small voice that lies beyond the hysteria and despair, the voice who knows that in all, all is well. This calm stillness lies within you, and when you tune into it you know that you can handle anything.

Realize That "Disasters" Have Blessings Too: Disasters may and often are blessings in disguise. It is hard to imagine the blessings arising from this situation in Haiti, but as Dan Gilbert, author of Stumbling on Happiness, tells us, humans are notoriously bad at predicting what situations will make us happy. We suffer from impact bias -- we think that different outcomes are more different than they actually are. In fact, studies have shown that major life traumas have zero significant impact on happiness 3 months later. A happy person, tends to remain a happy person even after losing her home or the use of her legs. An unhappy person tends to remain unhappy even after winning the lottery or getting that coveted job.

Can disasters have blessings? I have a friend who was sent to war in Iraq... not something she was thrilled about. There, she met the love of her life, who would eventually become her husband. I know of a young man who lost his legs in a boating accident. From his hospital bed he started a foundation to make sure that all children in this country have access to prosthetics. He feels lucky to have had this situation. He won a CNN Heroes award and he found his life's calling. For me, getting fired when I was five months pregnant led me to coaching and a career much more in alignment with who I am.

When I think of Haiti I try to think about the hidden blessings. The loves and friendships to be formed, the opportunities for growth and healing, the people finding their life's calling, the redemption and rebuilding better than even before of a nation long in need of it.

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