Wednesday, January 27, 2010


"Yeah I flirt, I'm not blind and I'm not dead!" ~Dolly Parton

I am going to be on vacation during the month of February (going to New Zealand and Australia for four weeks... hurray! hurray! doing dance of joy!), so I wanted to serve up one last blog entry before I go.

February is a month often dedicated to romance and in honor of this, I want to encourage each and every one of you to flirt. You may be thinking, "Flirt?! Is she serious?" Absolutely! Flirting is good for you! Studies have shown that people who flirt have higher white blood-cell counts resulting in a healthy immune system. Also, an exchange of admiring glances or a bit of light-hearted flirtatious banter can brighten someone's day, raise self-esteem and strengthen social bonds.

So what do I mean by flirting? Flirting is putting favorable attention and appreciation on someone else. It's also about enjoying yourself in their presence. It's about using your communication skills with a twist of fun, frolic, jesting, merriment, jocularity, and mirth. It does not have to be about attracting a mate; it can just be about connecting to that most fun-loving and attractive person inside (this is important even when you already have a significant other).

So during this next month I suggest you flirt as much as possible. If you're married or in a committed relationship, flirt with your significant other. You can also flirt with others, but I suggest you flirt lightly or in situations where your flirtations will not be ambiguous &/or taken the wrong way. If you're single and looking to attract that special person, flirt with everyone you can. Do not flirt to get anything, just flirt to enjoy yourself. It's fun and it's good for you.

In February experiment with flirting more and see how you feel. I bet you'll be feeling happier and so will those around you.

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