Monday, September 20, 2010

Joshua: Re. Moving

Message to Joshua: I would love to ask about our upcoming move. We are moving 6 blocks away to a larger space with a real kitchen and oven, bath tub and room for a guest. Yeah! Is there anything that we need to do for preparation? I will also be able to have my home office there where I am developing my businesses.

Joshua's Response: Dearest Elizabeth. All you have to do is to move forward in expectant joy - and in the tone of your asking we are hearing this. Allow Source energy to help you as you proceed. Pre-pave the way with your intentions. Start each day with the intentions of ease, joy, and grace, and allow it to unfold that way. When you find yourself in resistance or feeling stuck (and many such feelings often come up during moves), just take some time to breathe. Deep breathing is one of the most useful tools that are available to you. Even 3 deep breaths can help break down any resistance. Taking time for 10 deep breaths is magical. I will remind you again of how loved you are and how much Source wants for your continued growth and unfoldment to proceed with joy and ease. This move is very blessed, and will flow with as much ease as you allow.

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