Monday, September 20, 2010

30 Day Challenge and A Message from Joshua

So, in case you were wondering what happened to the 30 day challenge, I actually did finish it. I just finished it on another blog, my Equilawbrium Blog. I had been writing it on that blog and then re-posting here. I decided that was too much work on my part, so I just left it there. Check it out if you get a chance... there's good stuff there.

I want to use this blog for another purpose. Actually, something wants to use me through this blog. It's very strange to explain, but several months ago I became a channel. A source of higher consciousness/divine wisdom began speaking through me. At first there was a group, simply called "the guides" who spoke through me. More recently, a voice named Joshua, began to communicate to and through me. Joshua said that he wanted to share messages to the world through this blog.

So here is today's message from Joshua:

Greetings to all who are reading this. I am very pleased to be able to communicate with you through this exciting medium. And I am grateful for Monick who has allowed this interaction. I desire for you to ask me questions through her. You may ask questions in the comments and the responses will come back through these blog posts.

In the meantime, today I just want to share the message of how loved, special, and appreciated you are of Source. Nothing you have ever done and could ever do can ever diminish this love that Source energy (some of you may know this energy as God, Allah, Jehovah, or the Universe) has for you. As you go about this day remember this love that is here for you. This love that desires to meet all of your needs is always here. Please turn to Source for anything (there is nothing too big or too small). The more you allow Source to pave the way for you, the easier things will flow for you. It is always your choice of how you can go about it, but why not choose ease and joy?


  1. Hello Monick and Joshua---thanks for living your passion! What a great sharing this is. Thanks for the lovely reminder about loving ourselves and that God, Goddess, the Universe, Source Energy, the Home Office love us totally, unconditionally and beautifully. Yeah!

    I would love to ask about our upcoming move. We are moving 6 blocks away to a larger space with a real kitchen and oven, bath tub and room for a guest. Yeah! Is there anything that we need to do for preparation? I will also be able to have my home office there where I am developing my businesses.

    much love and light to you both,


  2. Thank you for writing Elizabeth. Joshua's response is the next post.
