Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Enjoying Natural Pleasures

I committed to this 30 day challenge, so I’m blogging today. But because I’m on a vacation with my hubby, I’m keeping this one short. We’re in beautiful Ojai and right now instead of blogging, I’m going to go sit out in the glorious veranda and look up at the stars. Outside of the bright lights of Los Angeles, the Milky Way is glowing above us in a miraculously bright display. It’s calling my name, and I’m heeding its call.

Before I go, I want to challenge you to go find some nature to appreciate as well. Literally go smell the roses, enjoy the night sky, or take off your shoes and feel the grass under your feet. Connect with the simple natural pleasures of the world around you. It will ground you and bring perspective to anything you are facing in your life.

[30 Day Blogging Challenge - Day 8]

Monick P. Halm, Esq. is the founder of Equilawbrium Career & Life Coaching. As a coach, law of attraction student, Reiki Master, and former lawyer, Monick inspires and supports lawyers and other professionals in crafting their careers and lives so that they are ones of balance, passion, and joy.

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