Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Season of Receiving

"Desire directs focus. If your desires are vague, your focus will be blurred. If your desires are heartfelt, however, your focus will be sharp and clear. That's why vague desires will never materialize, but clearly focused Heart's Desires will. Clear focus is the mind's magic wand. It points your creativity in a particular direction and channels your experience behind it. Wherever you clearly focus, you create."
~Sonia Choquette

Today is December 1st and we've truly entered the Season of Giving. There's another side to this season however, and it's receiving. It is very important to give, but it's equally important to be open to receiving. Many people, especially women, are not receptive to receiving. We're so focused on giving to others that we aren't open to the gifts coming to us. In fact, many of us are so out of tune with receiving, we couldn't even tell you what we want. We've lost touch with our desires.

What do you desire? Are you in tune with your burning, intense, passionate longings? Clarity about your desires is paramount to creating the life of your dreams. In this Season of Giving (and Receiving), spend some time thinking about your true desires. What do you desire now and in this coming year? How can you open yourself up to receiving more of your desires? Take some time to answer these questions and write your answers down. Write what you desire in detail and imagine already having received them as you do.

Tune in to your desires and savor them. When you get clear about what you want, the Universe begins to deliver them to you. So enjoy the wait. Think of your desires as presents wrapped and waiting for you under the tree. You can't open them yet, but the anticipation is almost as much fun (and sometimes even more fun) than the actual gift. Enjoy this time, knowing that your desires are on their way to you. Open yourself up to receiving because, after all, tis the season.

I found this great article about desires. I thought I would share:

Tuning Up Your Desire (Tasting Tomorrow Today) from the NLP Times

Insanity is often defined as doing the same thing over-and-over and expecting to get a different result.

In NLP, we often say that behavioral flexibility is key to getting a desired result. Indeed many years ago Tony Robbins popularized the four quadrants of success. Yet any action first depends on something even more fundamental -DESIRE.

As human beings we are desire creating machines, moment to moment we create and experience different desires. We could say that desires are the impulse of life. From those desires spring forth our motivation to act to enjoy a perceived benefit or to avoid a perceived cost. This is the classic toward and away from meta program in action (and the many varieties of it, that lie between). If we want to experience a higher quality of life, it important that there is harmony between our highest values and desires. Because regardless of how brilliantly you feel you are doing in your life right now, failing to meet our highest valued desires will result in a feeling of dissatisfaction and a missing sense of fulfillment.

But do you know what your highest desires really are? And do you have the courage to act on them?

Most people, in one way or another, make their highest desires as something sub-servant and for various reasons (such as 'I don't deserve it', 'it wouldn't be possible', 'I can't have what I want'). When they do so they do not pursue them with the kind of unabashed vigor that they could. This is a good time to put into practice a well worn internal dialogue strategy promoted by Dr. Bandler and say to yourself "Shut the F*** Up!" Repeat it over and over until you get your internal 'voices' to quite down and remember, just who is driving the bus.

Sure, all of us can play small but that was yesterday and today you may want to say start saying alot more 'This is what I really want!'.

Take a moment and think of something you have always wanted to do or experience? Perhaps you have always wanted to travel, be a trainer, start that venture, go out with that person, start that business etc. Whatever it is, look at it now and ask yourself "how am I promoting other activities in my life on a regular basis that is resulting in me making no time for this?"

As you do so, be honest with yourself (it's only your personal desire) and figure out how you can plan in 20 minutes a day to manifest that desire. It could simply be just doing some research, spending some time surfing about it on the web, talking with a friend etc. As you do so, you will be building that desire muscle, which can grow stronger and if you let your mind TASTE that experience. Your imagination, properly used is WAY more powerful than any six step technique to inject motivation.

When your let your 'fantasies get ahead of you', your mind will do the rest. You have already set the seed for its realisation. Go do this now. You may be pleasantly surprised with just how easy and life enhancing this practice can be.

"Live out of your imagination, not your history." (Stephen Covey)

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